Jonathon also works with Power To Change (formerly Student Life, CCCA) in Victoria, ministering to around 64,000 uni students that attend the various Monash University campuses. 

Jonathon is the National Power To Change Frontline Coordinator, which means that two days a week he coordinates the training of new missionaries as they go through their first two years of training and development (called Frontline). Jonathon's general campus ministry involves discipleship, evangelism, leadership development, strategic thinking and prayer.

Jonathon's other role is the West Asia Partnership coordinator - which entails pastoral care and some administration tasks to care for our Australian Missionaries serving long term in West Asia, as well as coaching our Short Term International missionaries (STINT) and Global Missions team leaders each year. Praise God that this year we have completed one partnership location in West Asia and have moved to a new location! God is at work. 

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Brad Harriman joined Global Recordings Network in January 2020 as a trainee recordist. Recordists play a frontline role in GRN's mission, which is to produce audio recordings of the gospel in every people group's heart language. GRN records audio because many peoples do not practice literacy in their mother-tongue, and many prefer to learn by hearing instead of reading. We pray our recordings will allow people of every language to connect with the story of Jesus as they hear it in their mother-tongue. Brad's role will see him based primarily in Sydney, with occasional recording trips to capture the voices of unreached people groups in their local settings.

Brad and his wife Bek grew up in Queensland - in fact, Bek was raised in FCF and ministered in varying roles as a young adult. They met through FCF's share-houses and married at the church in 2014. They now have two sons, Zachary and Eliott, and a daughter Evelyn. Bek works wholeheartedly as a full-time, stay-at-home mum, and enjoys writing when she gets the time!

Brad is very grateful for training with the experienced team in Sydney, and is on the lookout for opportunities to record in the field or in Sydney's studios. For now, he is busy with remastering older programs from GRN's extensive archive. He enjoys playing with the boys at home, and following motorsport, particularly Formula 1.

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